Le Street Art fait le M.U.R. Paul Santoleri. Intervention in public space. Device from Association Le M.U.R. 2011.

Public Art Audio guide

Sound Art
Paris, 2011
"Le Street art fait le Mur" is an audio guide that explores an urban art Project in Paris. Starting from the observation of a wall that is regularly painted by graffiti and street artists, this audio guide seeks to explore an emerging art, which has been slowly taking over the walls of the cities, changing the urban landscape and the way we see our cities. This audio material compiled excerpts from interviews with urban artists, bystanders and members of the Association Le MUR, (who invite artists to work on this wall in Paris).
This audio guide was made for Cityson.info, Web site, as part of the class "Sound's documentary Workshop" at the University of Paris 8, led by Professor Xavier Cahen.

Audio guide: "Le street art fait le mur".